Monday, March 3, 2025

CA69 Projects

Work Day at Avenal

A number of members got a lot accomplished on the March 1st work day.

This group (Jim, Richard, Morgan, Mark & Darrell) tore down the 1-26, did all of the routine maintenance and cleaning work, reassembled and generally got it ready for its annual.


Joe got the old batteries out, did a thorough clean-up and installed the new batteries in the second golf cart.  So now both carts are working well!


And a couple of others (Larry & Kevin) created temporary tie downs at both ends of the main runway.
More to do next time...

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 11,2025

Visibility: clear
Wind: increasing crosswinds
Altitudes:.  3300’
Time Aloft: 0.5 hours
Max Lift: 2-3 kts
Temperature: 60ish
Tow pilot: Julie

The morning started off cool with a slight NE wind. There were some good training flights in both the 2-33 & 1-26. The wind consistently built until it blew a car sized tumbleweed across the runway on the last tow. With that, Julie decided she was done towing leaving Peter sitting in his ASW-20 on the ground. Sorry to everyone who was grounded!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Happy New Year

First Flights of 2025

We had a beautiful day on Saturday to kick off a new year of soaring at Avenal!  

After we finished shoveling the snow (OK, maybe not), we got busy flying.  Jim was kind enough to tow.  A number of pre-solo and post-solo students flew, and Julie and Morgan each got some weak weather thermaling practice in XD.  Richard was out, supervising some re-arranging of trailers and glider parts, and then administering some sort of aid to the tractor.  Various other chores got attention.

 All good signs of a quick start to 2025, with a gorgeous sunset to finish the day.


 Photo credit to Mark P.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Harvest Moon at Avenal

Perfect Autumn Day

Here is the Harvest Moon setting this morning at Avenal...

And here's the Harvest Moon rising this evening at Avenal...
In between the setting and the rising of that big moon, there was a fine day of flying at Avenal.  New members, advanced students, beginning students, introductory flights, single seaters and Larry's burgers.  We're fortunate and thankful to live and soar here year round.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Mark's Solo!

Visibility: Clear    
Wind: Light
Altitudes: Up there
Time Aloft: Not so long
Max Lift: Not so much
Temperature: 100+
Tow pilot: Jim

Mark's First Solo Flight!


After a lot of very diligent and focused work, Mark made his first solo flights on Saturday.  They were excellent and he's looking forward to many more.  For certain, a day to remember for Mark and all of us.

Jim towed, Darrell ran his wing and got the pictures, while Larry, Richard and Kevin watched from the sidelines.