Visibility: Great
Wind: NW to NE, 2-8 MPH, Gusts up to 15.
Time Aloft:
Max Lift:
Temperature: 93° at launch time, 98° at end.
Tow pilot: Alaln White in the 150, Shawn Knight in the Pawnee.
Morgan is giving the briefing to the contestants.
Gliders lined up on the grid.
Dan is getting ready to run a wing again, Nina is providing shade to the last glider pilot. Karl Kunz joins us today at the controls of his ASW-20B-15, "Golf-Delta."
Thorsten Strepple joins us today in his LS-6, "Kilo Delta."
Eric Rupp also joins us today in his ASW-27, with appropriate callsign "ER."
Martin waves at the camera as Morgan does a celebratory low pass in 5H at 6:08 PM.
All gliders are "home" at 6:09 PM.
The lime colored dots and lines ar the "traces" of the routes each glider took.
Traces |
Here are the scores for the day:
Scoresheet |
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