Visibility: Severe Clear
Wind: Light and variable
Altitudes: 4700 msl
Time Aloft: An hour or so
Max Lift: Pretty weak.
Temperature: Cool in the 70's
Comment: Lots of visitors from Lemoore
Tow pilot: Mixed.
Here's not much of a story but a lot of pictures that should be story enough to ponder on. The only one who sent in a story was
Ethan Ronat and here is his note:
Hi Harold,
In case you are writing a summery for the blog:
I flew for nearly 2 hour, just playing around in our back yard, mostly at the foothills and midway to Black Mountain. Lift was erratic, but usually enough to stay airborne, and I topped once at 4700 ft. MSL. Mostly between 2-4K. Too bad that my instruments, after going through a major update, refused to talk to each other… I've got some work to do, before the season really kicks off.
Something must be interesting in the cockpit of the 1-26. |
Philip Gerfaud's first flight in the 1-26. |
Craig Gifford running the wing for Philip. |
Slightly low on tow. |
Too low on tow. |
Craig Gifford always around to help everyone launch. |
Joe Anastasio moving the PW-5 out to the launch area. |
Philip Gerfaud on final in the 1-26 after a good flight. |
In good position for landing on Runway 31L |
Nice landing Philip. |
Gliders are beginning to stack up at the launch area. |
Three now and soon there will be four or more. |
Richard Walker in his Schweizer 1-35 prepares to launch. |
He 's about Schwarzenegger's height but not chest size. |
Carl Engle and Jeff Richardson at the Russia. |
One of the weirdest self-launch gliders ever seen at Avenal. |
Now there are four waiting and soon, more. |
Craig Gifford on final in the Orange Crush |
Richard Walker on final in his Schweizer 1-35 |
Craig Gifford on short final in the Orange Crush |
Craig running the wing for Jeff Richardson in the Russia |
Alex Caldwell discussing the finer points of soaring with an Avenal resident. |
Craig Gifford and Philip Gerfaud ready to retrieve when called upon. |
Jim Rickey visiting with David Edwards Sr, and David Edwards Jr. |
One of the last launches of the day for the Orange Crush. |
Ethan Ronat landing after his flight. See note from him above. |
End of the day and too tired to get out of the cockpit. |
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