Visibility: More than 40 miles.
Wind: Variable from the NW and N at less than 5 kts.
Altitudes: Mostly release altitudes.
Time Aloft: More than an hour.
Max Lift: Up to 300 fpm
Temperature: Low 80's.
Comment: Troy Finally Soars.
Tow pilot: Steel Butt - You know who that is.
To see a much larger size of any picture, simply click on the picture and you'll see them all in large size.
Dan Gudgel confirming that the occupants of the 2-33 have the correct documents. |
Just a bit of confusion between the Orange Crush and Big Bird, but cleared up right away. |
Jenn in the backseat and Troy in front just practicing for the day when they can carry passengers. |
Andrew Palmer after another very well done flight leading towards his solo day. |
Kyle O'Connell just needed a refresher flight before he goes aloft looking for thermals. |
Mike Paoli doing maintenance work on his beautiful Libelle. |
Martin Caskey and Jim Rickey taking care of the added assemblies for Big Bird. |
Finally, Casper gets his wings and the whole glider is painted so well it looks wet. |
One of the guys most responsible for Casper's paint is Rick Eason just walking by the wing. |
Troy Wollman in the pattern for runway 31L, on base ready to turn final. |
Troy is just beginning his turn from base to final in the Orange Crush. |
No, he won't hit the bushes. He'll turn farther right to the middle of runway 31L. |
Now he's lined up perfectly although his altitude might be a bit low. |
Troy, in his wide-brimmed hat, is about to land after a very long flight, the first soaring he's ever done solo. |
The team Akaflieg heads to Troy in the 2-33 to bring him back to the launch area. |
Andrew Palmer likes the high position while riding in the retrieve truck. |
Troy doesn't mind waiting because that was the best soaring flight he's ever had. |
Frank Owen retrieving stuff from the back of the tow plane. |
Neiman Walker and Jennifer Bauman waiting for Kyle O'Connell to launch in the 2-33. |
Jenn waiting for Frank Owen to take up the slack in the tow line. |
Kyle is on his way aloft. But high cirrus is blocking much of the sun's energy so it won't be a long flight. |
Nice position on takeoff behind Frank Owen piloting the Cessna 150. |
In our required left turn after takeoff, Kyle is doing well and we hope his flight will be a long one. |
He must have even a small thermal working because he's not losing any altitude. |
Straight and level looking for his next thermal somewhere around the gliderport. |
It's time to come in and Kyle is on final for runway 31L. |
The guys are examining an issue with the bell crank in the right wing of Big Bird. |
That's all the pictures of flight operations. But here are pictures from the painting of
Casper (aka the 1-26).
Rick Eason's friend Gary, applying solution to prepare the 1-26 wing for paint. |
Rick working hard to make the painting as perfect as possible. |
Rick admiring his handiwork and it turned out to be a superb paint job. |
Relaxing with friends afterward, Rick Eason has been magnificent in getting the 1-26 painted. |
Thanks everyone and if I don't elaborate on the pictures, you'll still get the essence of what transpired this Saturday. See you all next weekend.
Harold Gallagher
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