Visibility: Hazy air but more than 10 miles visibility
Wind: Light and variable.
Altitudes: Mostly tow altitudes.
Time Aloft: Less than an hour.
Max Lift: 400 fpm
Temperature: Mid 70's.
Comment: Lots of new
Cal Poly students taking rides all day.
Tow pilot:
Andrew Ouellet
Hi Harold,
Here's a few pictures from last Saturday. The first two are of Sergio Grajeda landing in the 1-26 on his first flight in the ship. He made a very nice looking take off, and a very good approach and landing. He said he enjoyed flying the 1-26, and finds it pleasantly responsive and maneuverable. The other two pictures are of Mike Paoli landing in his beautiful H-201 Libelle. He made a great looking approach and a perfect landing on runway 13R, rolling to a stop just even with his hangar. His take off and tow were also very good, and he reports that the Libelle is a "dream to fly".
Sergio Grajeda landing the 1-26. |
Sergio Grajeda rolling out to the launch area in the 1-26. |
Mike Paoli landing in his Libelle. |
Mike Paoli rolling out to the launch area in his Libelle. |
Students from Cal Poly gather around the Orange Crush to prepare for the day's flights. |
More students gather around Big Bird in preparation for the preflight before launching. |
Not sure who's there but they can identify themselves and show in the revision web blog. |
The DG100 and Big Bird await the pilots who will launch them. |
I believe either Troy Wollman or Jennifer Bauman will be flying this nice sailplane. Gathered around are ???, Lexy, Troy, Eric, and Jennifer. |
Beth Platz awaiting her first flight of the day. |
Griff Malloy, Eric Burlingame and ??? waiting for a ride. |
Mario Pauda about to launch in his Schweizer 1-26. |
Jim Rickey standing by to help anyone needing it. Great guy!!! |
Mario Pauda watching Jennifer Bauman's hand for the signal to open or close the release mechanism. |
Sergeant Bauman signalling the tow plane to take up the slack. |
Yes, that's Sergeant Bauman holding the wing of Mario's 1-26. |
Alex Caldwell, Beth Platz, Jim Rickey, and Sergio Grajeda watching the launch operations. |
Our two Doctors (M.D.) in the Club, Alex Caldwell and Beth Platz. |
Three students from Cal Poly either awaiting a ride or comparing notes on one they've already taken. |
A wonderful group of students from Cal Poly who are members of our CCSC and we're happy to have them. |
It's nice to just gather and chat with one another our here in such beautiful weather. |
A sign of the health of any club is how the members gather and just have fun chatting with one another. |
I think that's Eric Burlingame but if not, whoever it is shows signs of interest in soaring. |
Lexy followed by ??? towards the glider for her ride. |
As usual, Richard Walker is fixing things up on the tow plane hangar, but he does it all over the property. |
This is the time of year for training so if you are a student or want to begin training, now is the time to get in those training sessions. Don't wait until
Spring because it will take longer then compared to now in the winter season. See you all next week.
Harold Gallagher
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