Visibility: Unlimited
Wind: Light and variable out of the South.
Altitudes: At or above 7200 msl. (
Jeff Richardson).
Time Aloft:
Neiman Walker at 4.5 hours.
Max Lift: 800 fpm.
Temperature: Mid 70's to low 80's.
Bennett Diamond's First Solo.
Tow pilot:
Peter Hartmann in his
Maule from
Santa Ynez.
Bennett Diamond soloed.
Morgan, along with Wyll Soll, did another of his long (4:02) and wide-ranging flights, including Hanford from the Benitos. Check the OLC for the details.
Neiman Walker flew for four and a half hours in the 1-26. Only his butt suffered.
Erich Harding flew his best flight to date at 42 minutes and thousands of feet gained in altitude. A first for him.
Mario Pauda landed out in a field just to the northwest of our airport and just north of the solar farm. He made friends with a tractor driver for a retrieve.
Numerous high performance gliders were aloft today.
We were towed by Peter Hartmann in his Maule.
Here's a note from Jeff Richardson:
Hi Harold,
Thanks for updating the website.
Just for clarity, I flew the DG-100 on its first flight. I flew two laps to New Coalinga and back with a max altitude at cloud base of 7,200 msl. I cut my flight short to give Troy a shot to fly the DG-100 on such an interesting day.
Thanks again,
Zak Yamauchi about to launch solo once again. |
Erich Harding waiting to launch for his first flight in a few weeks. |
Peter Hartmann flying his Maule towed all day long with only one break. |
Line up of three beautiful long distance gliders. |
Neiman Walker in position in the 1-26 for what turned out to be a 4.5 hour flight. |
Peter Hartmann slowly taking up the tow rope slack like he did all day long. |
There can't be too many gliders to equal the beauty of an ASW-20. |
Julie Butler preparing for her long flight in an equally beautiful glider. |
Neiman Walker taking off for his longest flight ever. |
Karl Kunz biding his time while waiting for his turn to launch in his ASW-20 BL. |
All ready to go. Just need pilots to complete the action. |
The Maule did a very credible job all day long towing us all. |
Erich Harding on his second and longest flight at 42 minutes and thousands of feet gained. |
Erich circling in a thermal going up at 400 feet per minute. He did really well today. |
Bennett Diamond standing by to help Jeff Richardson launch in the DG100. |
On tow going into a thermal-filled sky, the Big Bird flies another one. |
The wind favored runway 13L and made for easy launches. |
Mario Pauda waits for the tow plane while Alex Caldwell watches for the tow rope. |
Here's a happy guy. Mario Pauda about to launch on a rather short flight with a surprising ending. |
Mario checks everywhere including straight up, before Morgan runs his wing. |
Connor Zabrocki standing by to assist Don Flinn in the front seat for what appears to be a BFR. |
Ethan Ronat preparing his glider for flight at the Northwest end of the airport. |
Ethan Ronat on his way somewhere, but based on the sky, it could be anywhere. |
Ethan Ronat on tow behind the Maule heading toward the prison. |
Bennett Diamond has been waiting patiently most of the day to make his first three solo flights. |
In the field is Mario Pauda's 1-26. He caught too much sink on a day when there was both lift and sink. |
Karl Kunz finishing his flight on short final for runway 13L. |
Karl Kunz had enough of a flight to be satisfied coming back before dark. |
Julie Butler on short final for runway 13L and a roll out to her trailer at the far end. |
Jennifer Bauman's Mom to the left watching Julie make her long landing to the trailer. |
Jeff Richardson turning final in the DG-100 after an excellent flight topping 7,200 msl. |
Nice shot of the DG-100 with spoilers open on short final to runway 13L. |
Just overhead, the DG-100 looks awkward at this angle but it isn't at all. |
Mario Pauda's 1-26 being towed out of the field with Morgan's truck. |
It looks like Bennett Diamond will finally get to fly his solo flights. |
Bennett Diamond on his first solo flight, off tow and entering the pattern. |
Alex Caldwell agrees that Bennett did a great job on his first solo flight. |
Bennett Diamond on his second launch in the Big Bird. |
Bennett in good position behind the Maule towplane. |
One 2-33 launching while the other is towed back to the northwest end for another flight. |
Bennett Diamond in the pattern. |
Bennett Diamond on base for runway 13R. |
One happy guy. Bennett is now a solo pilot and looking forward to additional flights alone. |
The third and final solo flight for Bennett Diamond. Well done. |
Bennett concentrating on the landing which was excellent. |
Troy Wollman completing another flight in the DG 100. |
Don Flinn taking Connor Zabrocki for another flight lesson. |
Moving the DG100 back to the launch area without horsepower to assist. |
Troy Wollman waiting for another launch. He's quite comfortable flying the DG100. |
Don Flinn on short final watched by Mario Pauda, Alex Caldwell and Bennett Diamond. |
Mario is taking to the skies once more and this time he stayed up long enough. |
Connor Zabrocki waiting for another launch. I believe he flew three flights today. |
I'm not sure what Alex Caldwell is saying to Mario but it might be something like, "stay away from sink". |
Morgan Hall and Wyll Soll back at Avenal after a long and wide ranging flight of 4+ hours. |
Morgan is downwind for runway 7. |
Duo Discus on short final for runway 7. |
Just about to touch down on the grassy runway after a nice long flight. |
Both are probably a bit tired but happy to have navigated all around the Central and Southern Valley. |
Time for the removal of Bennett Diamond's T-shirt commemorating his solo achievement. |
Bennett wore an old t-shirt so it wasn't as much fun cutting it off. |
CONGRATULATIONS to our newly crowned solo pilot. |
Yes, he was shocked at how much came off. And then he changed it real quick. |