Visibility: Clear and unlimited
Wind: Southeast light and variable.
Time Aloft:
Max Lift: 800 fpm
Temperature: Plus 100 deg
Tow pilot:
Julie Butler.
Rick Eason trying out his new Grob, solo this time, and had lots of fun. |
And Rick had a lot of help from Julie Butler who braved the heat to help out on the launch line. |
It takes awhile to get situated in that Grob for a big guy like Rick. |
OK, the last items are handed over and his solo flights should begin soon. |
Back from his solo flight in the Grob, Rick Eason is very happy with his and the glider performance. |
Russ Genet, back from world travels and soaring flights elsewhere, adapts to the Orange Crush. |
Erich Harding just after a nice flight in the Orange Crush. He is really getting good at glider control. |
Luca Soares hasn't flown solo for awhile and wanted a few training flights to restore skill and confidence. |
Luca Soares about ready to launch on a good training flight. |
Russ Genet taking a second flight because he wasn't happy with his performance on the first flight today. |
Sergio Grajeda helps his father get belted in for a nice, Father-Son afternoon of flying. |
You can't miss knowing these two are father and son. Look at the amazing resemblance. |
Now they are just about to launch and Sergio looks happy taking his dad for a glider ride. |
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