Visibility: Clear
Wind: Variable from NW and SE
Altitudes: 4900 msl, Alex Caldwell
Time Aloft: 2+ hours
Max Lift: 6 knots
Temperature: Cool and beautiful
Tow pilot:
Jim Rickey, Dan Gudgel, Griffin
Here is
Richard Walker's flight description:
Thanks to everyone on the ground for assistance in getting a late afternoon tow. Our new Tow Pilot Griffin did the honors and dropped me off in 4 knot lift.
Gaining about 400 ft I went in search of additional lift. Found some North of the prison and generally worked lift in that area. I worked lift from hwy 33 to the hills. I didn't find much to the west and headed back toward the Barn and found some lift there. I was down to 2200' so it was find lift or land. After getting back up to 3,000' I went exploring again.
I saw Big Bird a little north east and tried to join them, but some moderate sink prevented that. They moved south west of me as I was searching for other lift to the west. Finding mostly a line of lift and sink I eventually retreated to the Barn area keeping an eye on ALex and his student in Big Bird. I got up to 4600 and Alex I think said he was at 48 or 4900 after I landed maybe higher.
With 4600' I set off for tar canyon as I was a couple miles south of there. I found a bit of lift and tried to get to Black only to make a retreat at about 3600' With 600' above glide seemed likely I would make it with the scattered lift I had going in. Found light lift again, but was a gradual down flight from there.
All in all an enjoyable 1.1 hr flight. Taking off at 4 pm I didn't expect much more than a 20 minute flight.
Thanks Griffin for a nice tow.
Dan Gudgel and student on short final for runway 31. |
That was a good flight and we should do another one. |
Down at the far end of runway 31, they launch again with Erich Harding running the wing. |
On the takeoff roll, and a very dusty runway after Carlos smoothed it all out. |
All day today we were simply IFR, "I Follow Rope". |
When they return, it will be Erich Harding's turn to fly. He's ready for it. |
Erich is doing well on his training and likes to fly with two hands on the stick. So do most. |
He is trying to decide whether to fly one more time or just end it at that. He decided to fly. |
His second flight was so much better than the first, including an unassisted smooth landing. |
Erich is a much happier young man after that excellent second flight. |
A typical mid-afternoon gathering on the patio. |
Dan Gudgel is holding court with Jay and friend. |
Don Flinn explaining flight info with Troy Wollman and Bennett Diamond. |
Things are slowing down a bit at this time of day. |
Alex Caldwell seems to occupy that seat on the back bench most of the time. |
The PW-5 and the Pipistrel behind it are nearly ready to fly today. |
Joe Anastasio finishing assembly of the PW-5 while the Pipistrel only needs a horizontal stabilizer. |
They're probably chatting about the potential for a good flight based on current lift conditions. |