Visibility: Unlimited
Wind: Light and variable mostly from the NW.
Altitudes: Not much above tow altitude.
Time Aloft: Less than one hour.
Max Lift: 4-5 kts sporadically
Temperature: mid 70's
Comment: Use of both 2-33's made it an easy scheduling day.
Tow pilot:
Jan Zanutto, thanks for your time today.
It was a nice easy day for glider scheduling and towing so
Jan had time to take a few photos during his reign as towplane King. Here are the four he submitted, followed by the rest taken by me during various times:
Jan named this picture "bb". You'll have to ask him. It probably means Big Bird. |
And this one he called "aliens". Carrot field with circular irrigation west of the field. |
And this one, simply "towing". The digital cameras all stop the prop in weird positions and shapes. |
And this one Jan named "lard". Hope it doesn't apply to anyone in particular. |
Don Flinn working with his student, our newest tow pilot, Griffin. |
Nothing like having the club President, Mike Paoli, hooking up the cable with a few others watching. |
Two good friends from Fresno, Bob and his son Brad Crooks. Brad is first up for his demo flight. |
Brad is looking over the checklist while his dad, Bob, observes carefully. |
Brad is observing the bank angle while we search for lift. We found enough to remain up for 34 minutes. |
Here we are in a 4 knot thermal and managed to gain back 1100 feet after sinking low enough to enter the pattern. |
A bit of exaggeration on the bank angle. Look at the horizon. We are in zero sink. |
Brad and I are just about to head into the pattern after milking this weak thermal for 34 minutes. |
This is Bob Crooks first ride in a glider. He's the proud builder and owner of a great RV-10. |
Bob acknowledged that glider flying is definitely different than power flying. |
We managed to milk the same thermal that Brad and I had earlier but this time could only stay up 27 minutes. |
Sam McHam arrived from Clovis with his brother, Glenn and went for his first glider ride. |
Glenn videoed the flight and let's hope it came out OK. Sam was having fun up front. |
We did a tour of the area including over Avenal and Sam got in a good demo flight if not necessarily very high or long. |
Back on the ground, Sam was exhilarated by the new experience. I wonder if he'll return someday. |
Sam on the left and Glenn McHam are two very nice brothers from Clovis. |
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