Visibility: Unlimited
Wind: Strong from the N at 13G19
Altitudes: Release altitudes
Time Aloft: An hour
Max Lift: 3-4 knots.
Temperature: Cool in the mid 60's.
Comment: Draft issue. Detail added in the next day or two.
Tow pilot:
Jim Rickey, Kyle Jason
Kirk Robertson waiting to launch, with Neiman Walker standing by to run his wing. |
Kirk and Neiman wondering how the lift is now and going to be through the day. |
Don Flinn and student completing a low level turn base to final in the 2-33. |
Erich Harding aloft practicing his aerial maneuvers with about 1 year remaining until he can solo. |
He liked that first flight but usually his second flight is so much better. |
Aloft again and true to form, he did very much better on his second flight of the day. |
Nice going, Erich. The countdown begins soon for the year before solo is permitted. |
Alex Caldwell and Ken Talovich chat before Ken's training flight, a practice checkride. |
Don Flinn and Eric Burlingame ready to launch on another training flight in the 2-33. |
Wyll Soll looks like he's modeling for a statue of a Greek Warrior. |
Jim Rickey, as usual, doing the tow duties today. He volunteers a lot, thankfully. |
Off go Don and Eric for another training flight, behind Jim Rickey in the tow plane. |
Time for a lunch break on the patio. Eric, a young lady, Andrew Palmer, Mike Paoli and Neiman Walker. |
Alex Caldwell in the backseat with a student in the front, flying Big Bird. |
Eric, Andrew, and Don chatting about moving them toward their licenses. |
Neiman Walker flying Big Bird solo in turning base to final on runway 31L. |
Short final for Neiman as he completes another solo flight to practice for his checkride. |
Ken Talovich at the controls of his RV-8 as we head back to Fresno. |
About 500 agl and turning north to head back to Fresno Chandler airport. |
Ken Talovich is his beautifully painted RV-8 is on his way home to Pine Mountain Lake airport. |
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