Visibility: Unlimited
Wind: NW at 3-5 kts
Altitudes: Release altitudes but others may have been higher.
Time Aloft: More than an hour.
Max Lift: 6 kts.
Temperature: Low 80's.
Comment: Work day until 2:00 pm
Tow pilot: Jan Zanutto, Jim Rickey
There was a lot of activity going on today, beginning early AM. Many arrived there early and immediately began working on the field from one end to the other. By as early as 10:00 am, so much had been done that the field looked great. But there was still so much to do that even after flight ops began, members were still working on their chosen tasks. Many good members turned out to work hard from early morning until mid-afternoon. So many were there that we must simply thank everyone and not risk missing anyone by naming everyone. I'm sure that all of you have seen the great difference made by all the work done. The field looks so much better than it has in a long time. Wow, what a difference at the end of today.
In the afternoon, flight ops began and the first demo flights were for the very good friends of Doug Morris who as most of you should know by now is one of the most generous benefactors this club has ever been fortunate to have as a friend. He's done more for the club than we can enumerate at this point but take our word for it, his value is inestimable.
Doug's good friends are Amber and Doug Spencer. Amber is a teacher and Doug Spencer is employed by the State of California for work in the Avenal State Prison. Amber went up for her glider ride and her photographs are noted and published at the conclusion of this initial series of photos. Unfortunately, we were not able to take her husband, Doug, for his demo ride because neither Dan Gudgel nor Alex Caldwell were on hand to take them aloft.
Joe Anastasio weed whacking intensely and for probably 6 straight hours. |
That looks like Yutaka Buto working near the SE hangar.
Ken Talovich riding his mower that he has graciously donated to the club to keep grasses low. |
On the left is Mike Paoli's truck and lawn implements he brought. The tow plane is being washed at this moment. |
Harold and Doug Morris attending to Big Bird for Amber's first flight. |
Amber Spencer is waiting to launch on her first glider ride. |
No hesitation at all, and Amber is anxious to get in the air. |
Amber was so comfortable is seems like she was destined to go for her glider ride. |
Amber took a lot of photos and video from the front seat of Big Bird while we toured the area. |
Amber shooting a double selfie of both of us aloft. |
She wanted thumbs up and got it but also had the sun glasses drop a bit. |
Amber Spencer with her pilot after her first glider ride, touring the Avenal area. |
Amber's flight concluded with one very pleased young lady afterwards. |
Harold G and Bob Crooks turning Big Bird around for towing back to the launch area. |
Jan Zanutto towing this morning with quite a few launches. |
Jan Zanutto, our tow pilot, talks with Mario Pauda between flights. |
These are some of Amber's photo memories she will keep of her day in silent flight. |
Amber's photo of Big Bird on final approach to runway 31L. |
Big Bird crosses the threshold well away from the launch area, and lined up on runway 31L. |
Bob Crooks driving the golf cart while Jan Zanutto and Wyll Soll get the Libelle ready to launch. |
Doug Morris getting his lap belts set while his shoulder straps are awaiting. |
Doug Morris was also treated to a motorless flight touring the greater Avenal area. |
Doug has been up before but he enjoys glider flights and we hope he takes many more in our club. |
We snagged a few thermals and Doug liked the idea that we were climbing aloft with no engine. |
Bob Crooks took a turn in Big Bird and was up over an hour thermalling happily above the area. |
Doug and Amber Spencer at a moment when we thought we had a pilot scheduled to take Doug aloft. |
Jan Zanutto about to launch in his Grob. He had a very nice flight for the day. |
More of Amber's memory photographs for the future. |
I am quite pleased to be able to take Doug Morris friend, Amber Spencer, for her first glider ride. |
This was a remarkable experience that I will never forget. Thanks, Harold!