Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 10, 2018 Eric solos and Tribute to Jan Zanutto

Visibility:       Smoky
Wind:             Calm; 1 instance of a 5 MPH wind, one 9 MPH gust for the whole day.
Altitudes:       Mostly whatever they released at.
Time Aloft:    Not much
Max Lift:       Not much
Temperature: Hit 60°F before 10, peaked at 70°, stayed above 60° until ½ hour after sunset.
Comment:      Great to see so many people out at the gliderport.
Tow pilot:      Karl Kunz

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For a day with such poor soaring conditions, there was a lot of flying activity today--mostly student training, but a couople of members actually found some lift and stayed up for a little while.

Dan Gudgel gave a towpilot check out earlier in the day.

I hear Aleks Radko  had a decent soaring flight--really good for November.

A notable achievement was Eric Rinell had his first solo today.

Eric Rinell is on final approach in the smoky skies to his first solo landing.

Eric on short final to his first solo landing.

Eric just about to touch down at end of first solo flight.

Eric's personal Welcoming Committee rushes out to greet him.

The Akafliegers bring a a new post-solo tradition to Avenal.

Good and wet!

But Eric is still smiling!

Richard Walker is ready to run the wing for glider partner Peter Sahlberg.

Jesse is smiling before going up for another lesson from Don.  She should be soloing soon.
Peter Sahlberg checks the sky for traffic while Sergio waits in Casper.

Peter has let go and Sergio is concentrating on the takeoff roll.

Back way too soon.

Will Bergman is ready to roll and waiting for the tow.

Jessie is giving the launch signal and Will is about ready to...

...get going

Member Ken Talovich and two of his RV-8 friends fly by on way to...

...Missing Man formation in remembrance of Jan Zanutto.
Rick Eason giving a tribute to Jan Zanutto.

After the tribute we headed to the cow line in the Clubhouse.

Flying, food and fellowship; a great day!