Visibility: Smoky
Wind: Calm; 1 instance of a 5 MPH wind, one 9 MPH gust for the whole day.
Altitudes: Mostly whatever they released at.
Time Aloft: Not much
Max Lift: Not much
Temperature: Hit 60°F before 10, peaked at 70°, stayed above 60° until ½ hour after sunset.
Comment: Great to see so many people out at the gliderport.
Tow pilot: Karl Kunz
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For a day with such poor soaring conditions, there was a lot of flying activity today--mostly student training, but a couople of members actually found some lift and stayed up for a little while.
Dan Gudgel gave a towpilot check out earlier in the day.
I hear Aleks Radko had a decent soaring flight--really good for November.
A notable achievement was Eric Rinell had his first solo today.
Eric Rinell is on final approach in the smoky skies to his first solo landing. |
Eric on short final to his first solo landing. |
Eric just about to touch down at end of first solo flight. |
Eric's personal Welcoming Committee rushes out to greet him. |
The Akafliegers bring a a new post-solo tradition to Avenal. |
Good and wet! |
But Eric is still smiling!
Richard Walker is ready to run the wing for glider partner Peter Sahlberg. |
Jesse is smiling before going up for another lesson from Don. She should be soloing soon. |
Peter Sahlberg checks the sky for traffic while Sergio waits in Casper. |
Peter has let go and Sergio is concentrating on the takeoff roll. |
Back way too soon. |
Will Bergman is ready to roll and waiting for the tow. |
Jessie is giving the launch signal and Will is about ready to... |
...get going |
Member Ken Talovich and two of his RV-8 friends fly by on way to... |
...Missing Man formation in remembrance of Jan Zanutto. |
Rick Eason giving a tribute to Jan Zanutto. |
After the tribute we headed to the cow line in the Clubhouse. |
Flying, food and fellowship; a great day! |
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