Visibility: Great
Wind: Calm, finally!
Time Aloft: 40 Minutes
Max Lift: +200 FPM
Temperature: 80° F
Comment: First Solo!
After many delays due to excessive winds, Jessie solos! She has been very patient for this day, and always thought, "Safety First" on the prior days when she was ready to solo, but the wind did not cooperate to let it happen.
Jessie is all smiles right after her first solo flight: |
Jessie's primary instructor was Don Flinn
Proud Instructor Don gets in the picture. |
First solo in the logbook, it is time to take a second flight.
Jessie set and ready to go on her second solo flight. |
Fellow Akaflieger Bennet is running the wing on her second solo flight. |
Jessie has her glider in perfect position as she waits for the towplane to lift off. |
Coming in for a landing after her second solo flight. it is 4:53 PM, and it was short flight because the little bit of lift thta was earlier had evaporated. |
You can see in the above two pictures there is an overcast, wind is calm,
and it is getting about 4:45 PM. Nary a bump during tow: lift was not
to be found. It was a short second solo.
Just about stopped. |
Great job, Jessie!
It also needs to be mentioned that Bennet and Jessie came out early and helped with the cleaning and maintenance items on the other 2-33 and the club's 1-26. Two Club ships annualed, a first solo, and Bennet took a flight with Don to regain currency. An awesome day!