Visibility: clear
Wind: increasing crosswinds
Altitudes:. 3300’
Time Aloft: 0.5 hours
Max Lift: 2-3 kts
Temperature: 60ish
Tow pilot: Julie
The morning started off cool with a slight NE wind. There were some good training flights in both the 2-33 & 1-26. The wind consistently built until it blew a car sized tumbleweed across the runway on the last tow. With that, Julie decided she was done towing leaving Peter sitting in his ASW-20 on the ground. Sorry to everyone who was grounded!
Time Aloft: 0.5 hours
Max Lift: 2-3 kts
Temperature: 60ish
Tow pilot: Julie
The morning started off cool with a slight NE wind. There were some good training flights in both the 2-33 & 1-26. The wind consistently built until it blew a car sized tumbleweed across the runway on the last tow. With that, Julie decided she was done towing leaving Peter sitting in his ASW-20 on the ground. Sorry to everyone who was grounded!